Car Pollution! A concern for the future or an existing problem?

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A car pollution campaign done in China by WWF.

Carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and lead, these four pollutants are one of the main causes that triggers breathing distress, heart failure, implicating acid-rain. The pollutants also contribute chemical elements that are poisonous and fatal which damages the brain and central nervous systems when concentrated. But in modern living, car has become the main transportation for families travelling from one point to the other. Vehicles are one of the major contributors to air pollution. Air pollution refers to the presence of foreign substances in the air, with excessive amounts of impurities which are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and lead. This setback can be overcome by introducing new knowledge and concept towards the public who are the main consumers. These “mobile sources” include cars and light trucks, heavy trucks and buses, non road engines, equipment, and vehicles.

What will the generation Z be consuming from the air ? It all depends on us to help them get a better life and a breath of air.

Car pollution might not be a very big concern by now but in ten years time as more human populates the world, more vehicle will be driven and emissions produced. A similar community with Car Ego-dystonic called the green cars has made an animation to show you how the airs are actually affected cars nowadays. Check out the video and have a thought of how dangerous will be if non awareness about car pollution is done.


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